Learn To Live In Paradise

Comprehensive step-by-step training and coaching to help you successfully  move to wherever your heart beats faster.

I've created your roadmap to your dream life in paradise!

So many people want to escape their current lives up north, and move to paradise in Mexico - or anywhere that makes your heart beat faster - to live the life of your dreams for a fraction of the cost.

But it's hard - nearly impossible - if you don't know how!

To help you on your journey, and to make a move to paradise as easy and hassle-free as possible, I have created the Learn To Live In Paradise interactive program to walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know to make an informed decision to move overseas.

I will hold your hand to arm you with the knowledge, insights, and perspective to be able to effectively plan your escape to paradise.

I'm Diane Huth, The Runaway Sherpa, and I will provide live face-to-face coaching and extensive video training to ensure you are equipped with the skillset, toolset and mindset to plan and execute a successful move to Mexico faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.

Jumpstart your escape to paradise today!

This Is The First Step in Making Your Dreams Come True!

So you've decided that you want to move to paradise - Congratulations! Now what?

9 Steps To a Successful Move

  • Create Your Vision - First you have to decide the lifestyle you desire to enjoy, so you can make it happen

  • ​Find Your Perfect Paradise - Select the right location that allows you to live the life of your dreams

  • ​Test the Waters - Conduct a Beta Test to make sure this is right for you, and to answer the many burning questions you need to know before embarking on your adventure

  • ​Immigration - Determine the optimal visa status, and get your visa started so you can immigrate legally

  • ​Create Your Budget and Plan - Create your financial plan, budget, and cash flow needs, and prepare financially for your move. Create a timeline and relocation plan

  • ​Prepare to Leave - Take action on the many items that need to be dealt with back home before departure - banks, investments, housing, medical care, phone services, tech support, businesses, and so much more

  • ​Travel to Your New Home - Plan your travel for yourself, family members, pets, cars, and household goods

  • ​Create Your Soft Landing - Find housing, set up utilities, establish medical and personal services, transportation, schooling, and other resources to help you settle in fast and hit the ground running

  • ​Live Happily Ever After - Take steps to establish yourself in your new community for a fulfilling life

This Course is Your Roadmap to Reach Your Dream Life in Mexico

You are looking forward to moving to your new home in paradise - to multiply joy while slashing your cost of living.  Soon you will be able to enjoy the vibrant culture of your dream location, while indulging in luxuries you never dreamed possible.  And this is the program to make it possible.

My mission is to help you move to your dream location as confidently, successfully, and as stress-free as possible.

I moved to my paradise on a white sandy beach in Mexico 4 years ago, and I will help you start your dream life with confidence.

I have created this comprehensive training to walk you step-by-step through each of the 9 critical steps with my Learn To Move To Paradise video course.

Each module of this training will delve into a key topic leading up your ladder of success, and you will learn so much through the detailed step-by-step video training modules.

You will encounter Action Items and Checklists to complete and Milestones to achieve that will mark your progress along each step in your relocation.

You will create your own timeline, confident that the learning and resources are at your fingertips at each step along your journey, so you can be reassured that you have covered all the bases to ensure your success.

You will start the journey with a video call with me to share your dreams and  discuss your needs to start you on the right step of your journey. 

And every week for 8 weeks, I will send you a reminder email to prompt you to proceed through the various video modules so by the end of just 8 weeks, you will have covered all the content - just like we did when I taught the class live.

And before you know it, you will be on your road towards your successful move to wherever your heart beats faster - confident in your knowledge of what to expect and how to deal with the myriad items that could get in your way throughout the process.

This is how you will learn to make your dreams come true

There is a process involved in moving to a foreign country - and lots of unknowns along the way.

Moving abroad can be scary, lonely, and full of risk if you do it without a clear-cut path and solid knowledge of what to expect at each step along the way. 

And you need a clear cut plan and a mentor to guide you throughout the process, answer questions, and eliminate doubt.

There are very specific steps you need to take to make your move successful and as easy as possible.
You will be confronted with dozens of unknowns, lots of questions and doubts, second guesses, and confusion and uncertainty.

It's natural.  It's part of the process.

You need to clearly define your expectations, have a clear-cut vision of the life you want to live, and then pick the right location to that will meet your unique needs.

There are dozens of details you need to take care of back home before embarking on your journey - selling or renting your home, decluttering and getting rid of possessions, banking, mail, investments, insurance and medical care, mobile phone service, computer technical support, cars and vehicles, pets and vets, legal documents, visas and residency permits, taxes and business issues, and much more.

You need to know tips and techniques for traveling to your new location, and settling in quickly:  finding a temporary then permanent home, hooking up utilities, getting local phone and internet service, finding a vet for your pets and schools for kids or care for elderly, connecting with doctors and dentists, learning the currency, opening a bank account, and much more.

That's exactly what you will learn through this comprehensive step-by-step training.

You can do it alone - or be helped by a coach and mentor to walk you step-by-step through the process

Many people go it alone and make the move by themselves without the help of formal training.

And they often succeed.  But there is a cost.  

I know because I did it without help, and made lots of mistakes that cost me time, money, and heartbreak.

I traveled alone, and didn't know anyone to help me get acquainted, meet people, find friends, and learn my way.

I overpaid rent during my 5 week Beta Test because I didn't know what I should or could be paying.

I got cheated out of $1,200 when my first landlady (an American!) kicked me out of the house I had rented and refused to refund a month's deposit and 10 days of the current month's rent.

I overpaid my first electric bill because I didn't know you could go to the electric company and request a "corte" or account cut off and reset.

And it was lonely and scary because I didn't know what I didn't know at the time.

I'm Diane Huth, and I want to help you move to paradise as easily, cost-effectively, confidently, and worry-free as possible.

You can buy my book on Amazon in paperback or Kindle eBook format. And when you join this course, I will mail you your own printed copy of the book - delivered right to your home!

Hi, I'm Diane, The Runaway Sherpa

I moved to Mexico 4 years ago as a single woman in my 60s.  I moved to Isla Mujeres, a tiny white sandy beach island  just 7 miles due east of Cancun, with 3 suitcases and a dog on my lap.

It was the best thing I have ever done for myself.

It literally saved my life, and embarked me on a journey of rebirth and adventure and pure unbridled joy!

It wasn't easy, and I made a lot of mistakes, and lost money along the way, and incurred unnecessary expenses and anxiety.  But I learned from my mistakes, and moved along to a place of contentment and happiness.

So many people asked me HOW I was able to achieve my dreams.  So I wrote a book to take them on the decision-making journey so they could see if a move to paradise might be right for them.

You can buy my book on Amazon in paperback or Kindle eBook format. And when you join this course, I will mail you your own printed copy of the book - delivered right to your home!

I make it easy to move to paradise with confidence - like my former students will tell you!

Sarah and Matt completed the course, and recently finished their 1-month Beta Test! They are going to opt for the snow bird lifestyle so they can enjoy beautiful Wisconsin summers and head to Mexico during the cold winters.

Lea is planning her move to Mexico as she works through retirement from her full time job as a nurse.  She makes frequent trips to Mexico in preparation of a full time move, and is researching ways to work part time online to augment her retirement income.

Ana Banana loves the training, and is working on moving part time to Mexico when her last son graduates.  Her husband is a co-owner of a construction business, so they will keep their base in the US while traveling frequently to Mexico.

Alan has made 4 trips to Mexico, and is planning his retirement now from an important government position.  He is discussing remote work and consulting as an option to ease the transition. He is this week tendering his retirement, and has just rented an apartment with a year's lease, and bought a moto! He is on his way!

Maureen has recently finished her Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner certification and licensing which will allow her to practice from Mexico.  she is completing a 1-year residency, and can move when the year is up. Charlie, age 11, is excited about the move from arid Tucson to the beautiful Caribbean beach.

There are many different ways to move to paradise - whether in Mexico or any other country, and different lifestyle options to choose from.  And the choice is yours, and I'm here to support you throughout your journey.

Want to learn if this is right for you?  Click below for more information.

Here's what you get when you join the learn to live in paradise training

There is incredible value in this training, with monthly live calls, Q&As, guest experts, and a full online step-by-step video course you can follow at your own speed.  

Quick-Start Call

# 1 - Quick-Start 1-on-1 Call With Me

  • 30-minute Phone or Zoom Call -  So I can get to know you, your situation, your goals, and personalize content to meet your needs

  • Book the Call at Your Convenience - You will get a Calendly link to schedule your call at a time and date that works for you

  • ​A $100 Value:  I charge $100 per hour for personal consultation, so this one call pays for a substantial part of the course cost

Your Copy of My Book, delivered by mail and in PDF also

# 2 - My Book - Delivered to Your Mailbox

  • Receive Your Print Copy of the Book in the Mail -  You will receive a printed copy of my book - The GrownUps Guide To Running Away From Home:  Earn Dollars, Spend Pesos, Escape to Paradise - as soon as you register (mailed to US and Canada)

  • Get Your Email PDF of the Book Instantly - When you join the course, you will receive an emailed PDF of the book so you can jump in right away

  • ​Full of Content and Information You Need - The book details my decision-making process throughout my journey to move to Mexico - and what I learned along the way that will make your move easier, less fearful, and give you the confidence that you too can change your life for the better.

2 Face-To-Face Video Calls

2 Face-to-Face Live Video Calls With Me

for Personalized Coaching

  • 30-Minute Zoom Quick Start Call - So we can get to know each other, I can learn about your goals and dreams, and help customize a plan to help you make them come true

  • 30-minute Success Call at the End of the Training - Once you complete the training, you will be invited for a Celebration Call to celebrate the successful completion of the course, and discuss next steps in your journey to paradise

  • All calls will be live on Zoom for face-to-face interaction!

Comprehensive 10-module video course with 24x7 access long after the live training is over

# 4 - 24-hour Access to Comprehensive Video Training Course

  • 10 Step-by-Step Training Modules - with detailed videos to provide deep understanding of every step of your journey

  • ​Expert Guest Interviews - The videos include many expert guest interviews to share their in-depth knowledge about the valuable content at hand

  • Downloadable Guides, Checklists, and Templates -  Benefit from your location identification checklist, budget templates, cost calculators, immigration eBooks, and referrals to experts throughout the program

Private Facebook Group

# 6 - Private Facebook Community

  • Meet and Connect -  This is your way to communicate seamlessly with me and other course members and to meet and bond with others on the same journey

  • Ask Questions -  Need help now?  Post a question in the group, and either I or one of the other members will provide you with the answer and guidance you seek

  • Submit Action Items and Milestones -  This is also an accountability group focused on taking action, and you are encouraged to share you achievements in the group for all to celebrate

And check out these 4 fantastic bonuses!

BONUS # 1 Where Is Your Perfect Paradise eBook

  • Download This Important Checklist -  Complete the 12 different sections to create a clear picture of what you want your new life in Mexico is be like.

  • Use it as a Family Bonding Event - Have each member of your family or household complete the checklist independently, then meet and review together to ensure that all have a shared vision of your future lifestyle

  • ​Use It As The Foundation to Create Your Dream Board and Dream Life Story - Based on the learning from this checklist, you will create your vision of your future, and make it come true by creating a powerful visual dream board, a written story of a day in your future life, and an audio mantra.

Help to determine your unique needs and wants to find your  new home

BONUS # 2Budget Planning Insight and Resources

  • Cost of Living and Budget Insights: You will have access to detailed cost and budget information on how much it costs to live in Mexico - for housing, medical care, personal care services, food, eating out, transportation and more. This will allow you to build a budget for your new life in paradise.

  • Budget Calculator:  These resources allow you to easily and quickly create a budget for your Beta Test, your move itself, and your ongoing living expenses in your new home.

Budget Detail and Calculator

BONUS # 3 Learn Spanish In Paradise - With Diane

  •  Help to Learn Spanish  -  Believe it or not, a million years ago I got a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Spanish and taught high school Spanish for a living. I've dusted off those long-forgotten teaching skills to teach you insights, tips, and techniques to make it easier and faster to gain language fluency

  • ​Stand-Alone Program and Course - There's just not enough time to teach you Spanish during our 8-week training. So I have created a stand-alone course you can access any time to lean basic language skills

  • Augments Your Current Language Learning Program: I won't compete with whatever program you are currently using to learn Spanish.  Instead, I will augment your understanding of the language and teach you the secrets you will never learn on DuoLingo or other online programs

Learn Spanish with Diane

BONUS # 4 Referrals to Service Providers

  • Immigration Attorney: When you are ready to get your visa and residency permit, I will introduce you to Saul Garcia, my fabulous immigration attorney, who helps me with all my visa work.  He can help you book your appointment at both the consulate back home, and the INM Immigration office in Cancun, Merida, or Mexico City to immediately get your residency permit just days after your arrival

  • Mexican CPA: If you want to start a business, I will introduce you to Gabriel, who can help you navigate the rules and regulations for businesses so you don't get in trouble with the regulatory authorities

  • Need Other Referrals: I will provide an introduction to a reputable and vetted moving company, customs broker, realtor, doctor, or other professional you will need in your journey of moving to Mexico

Referrals to Immigration Specialists and others

The Complete Guide to Choosing the Best VPN for Mexico

Health Insurance in Mexico for Expats: What You Need to Know

The Complete Guide to Mexico Visas for US Citizens

The Complete Guide to Renting an Apartment in Mexico City

Shipping from USA to Mexico: Procedure, Cost, and Customs

A List of Popular Insurance Companies in Mexico

Moving to Mexico: A Guide for Expats to Live Here

Mexico Income Tax for US Expats: Do You Need to Pay?

Cost of Living in Mexico: How Much You Really Need Per Month (2022)

This is the only affordable option that will start you on your journey with confidence and knowledge 

When you embark on an international move, you start running up expenses.  

One simple problem or mistake can cost your hundreds or thousands of dollars.   You can prevent many such losses for a modest one-time  investment of just $495 to learn everything you need to know in a logical step-by-step manner.

Choose your payment option:

You can join the course and access all this great value - with payment flexibility:

  • Single Payment: Just $495

  • 8 Weekly Payments:  Just $75 per week for 8 weeks

Whichever option you choose, you will save time, money, and anxiety by having the information you need available to you, with live coaching to help you through the difficult process every step of the way.


14 Day Money-back Guarantee

If you're not thrilled with the course content after the first 2 weeks, you can request a total refund - no questions asked!

Register today to Learn to Live in Paradise for just $495

Now is the time to seize the opportunity to Move to Paradise - so what are you waiting for?
There is absolutely no risk - and a whole new life to gain when you take action on your desire to reinvent your life to one of joy in your new dream location.

So don't wait - register now to start on your journey to paradise!

Let this be the beginning of your journey to paradise!  

There's No Risk With Our 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Not sure yet?You have nothing to risk.
We will provide a full money back guarantee within the first 14 days if you are not absolutely with the program.

Get in touch with me if you have any questions  Email: Diane@DianeHuth.com

Payment methods accepted

What is The "SECRETS To Land Your DREAM JOB" Masterclass?

A step-by-step program to master the interview process- FAST! This is the most comprehensive training course to help you master all the interview skills - so YOU get the job offer.

10 videos to walk you step-by-step through the 10 different types of interviews you may encounter There are 10 different types of interviews you might encounter, and you need to know what to expect and be prepared. They can range from a simple phone interview, video interview, technical interview - to the fly-back interview at corporate headquarters!
19 videos to prep you for the job interview process! Did you know that there are only 2 reasons for a job interview - and they aren't to know if you are qualified! Learn what the interviewer is looking or, and how to WOW him with your answers to the 2 tough questions - Tell me about yourself, and Why should we hire you instead of someone else?
Step-by-step course with valuable written materials In addition to the 29 videos, you will receive 2 ebooks and 3 training drill cheat sheets.  You will practice your Elevator Pitch, 2-minute drill, and know your WHY.  There is so much ultra valuable  content in this course that you will be amazed!

Crafting the Perfect Ad

Proven Strategy For Laser-Targeting

This is a structured learning experience with extensive personal coaching, group mentoring, dozens of detailed informative training videos, scores of bird's eye view videos of life in paradise, and written material, worksheets, checklists, exercises, and more.  
It  will provide you with the knowledge and insight you need to make an informed decision and plan your escape to Paradise!  It is life changing!  Hear from others who have experienced the learning, and are now actively planning to live their dream life!